Kia hihiri te ōhanga, te oranga me te pukumahi i runga i te ngākau ngātahi
Working together to protect and grow the well-being of our people, environment and culture
Tō Matau Hītori
Our History
Kua 60 tau te roanga o te Hītori o Rotoiti 15, heoi, e hia nei ngā whakatupuranga kua nōhia wēnei whenua e ō tatau tūpuna. Kua puritia e Te Kōti Whenua Māori te hītori o ō tatau whenua, ōroko mai ai i te tōpūtanga o wētehi poraka whenua āhua maha nō ngā hapū o Ngāti Pikiao, o Ngāti Rongomai, o Ngāti Tarawhai, tuia ki te whenua i riro nā tētehi whakawhitinga ki te Karauna.
The History of Rotoiti 15 spans the past 60 years, however these lands have been occupied by our ancestors for generations.  Māori Land Court records capture the history of our lands, which began as an amalgamation of several land blocks derived from Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Rongomai and Ngāti Tarawhai hapū lands, along with land received from an exchange with the Crown.
I waihangatia a Rotoiti 15 whai muri i te tono a te Karauna kia tāpirihia wētehi anō whenua ki te rāhui whenua o Okataina. Ka tukuna ā, ka whakaaetia e ngā kaipupuri whenua tētehi tono kia tāpirihia  wētehi pito whenua ki te poraka whenua Okataina 12 me tētehi wāhanga o Rotoiti 14 (poraka whenua Karauna). Ko tā tēnei whakawhitinga he whakaatu i te manawaroa o ō tatau tūpuna ki te toitūtanga o te taiao me te pupuri i te mana whenua mō te whanaketanga ā-ohanga. Nā te whakawhiti i a Okataina 12 me tētehi wāhanga o Rotoiti 14 mō wētehi wāhi whenua (Ruawahia X and Matahina X) i taea ai e te Tarati te pupuri whenua hai painga ā-ohanga me te whai wāhi ki te toitūtanga o te taiao o tō tatau rohe.
Rotoiti 15 was formed following a request from the Crown for more land to be added to the Okataina Scenic reserve. A request was made and agreed to, by the owners, for various portions of the lands to be included in a block called Okataina 12, along with Part of Rotoiti 14 (Crown block). This exchange demonstrates our forbearer’s commitment to environmental sustainability and maintaining land ownership for economic growth.  The exchange of Okataina 12 and Part of Rotoiti 14 for equal sized land areas (Ruawahia X and Matahina X) enabled the Trust to maintain land’s for economic benefit whilst also contributing to the environmental sustainability of our rohe.
Kia whakamānawatia ngā wawata o ō tatau tūpuna, ko ngā mahi katoa a te Tarati he aro nui ki ngā wawata o ō tatau kaipupuri whenua, ō tatau hapū, ō tatau iwi.
In order to honor the aspirations of our tūpuna, it is essential that everything the Trust does is focused on contributing to the aspirations of our owners, hapū and iwi.
Tō matau rautaki anga whakamua
Our Strategic Direction
Kua whanaketia e te Tarati tētehi mahere rautaki kia whai wāhi tonu ki ngā wawata o ngā kaipupuri whenua, ngā hapū me ngā iwi.
The Trust has developed a strategic plan to ensure it continues to contribute to the aspirations of our owners, hapū and iwi.
Kia pai ai te whakakiko i tēnei rautaki, kua waihangatia e te Tarati te hanganga e whai ake nei e whakarite ana i ngā āhuatanga e whanake ai te tūāpapa arumoni otirā e āhei ai te Tarati te aro nui ki te whakatutuki i ngā hiahia o tō tatau iwi.
To deliver this strategy the Trust has created the following structure which creates conditions to grow the commercial base, while at the same time allowing for the Trust to focus on ensuring it delivers on the needs of our people.
Tō Tatau Taiao
Our Environment
Ki te Tarati o Rotoiti 15, he mea whakahirahira tā te Tarati tūnga, haepapa hoki hai Kaitiaki o ō tatau whenua. He rite tonu tā matau arotake i ā matau kaupapa here kia noho mātāmua te whakatūturu i te toitūtanga, te whakamaru, me te whakareinga o tō tatau taiao. Nā te titikaha ki te hauora me te oranga o ō tatau whenua, kua waihangatia e te Tarati he komiti āpiti kia mahi tahi ki Te Papa Atawhai hai whakahaere i te Kōpuku o Makatiti. Kua titikaha hoki te Tarati kia mōhio pū e tūtohu ana āna mahinga arumoni katoa.
Rotoiti 15 Trust takes it’s role and responsibility in caring for our whenua seriously. We are continuously reviewing our policies to ensure that sustainability, protection and enhancement of our taiao is at the forefront of our thinking.  In commitment to the health and wellbeing of our whenua the Trust has formed a sub-committee in partnership with DOC charged with the management of Makatiti Dome. The Trust has further committed to ensure all its commercial activities are above compliance.
Ko Ta Tatau Kapa
Our Team
Ngā Mātārae
Ka pōtingia ō tatau Mātārae e ngā kaipupuri whenua ā, he ono tau te roa o te tūnga. Ka tū ngā pōtitanga i ia rua tau.
Our Trustees are elected by our owners and serve a six year term.  The Trust holds elections every second year.
Ngā Kaiwhakahaere
Management Team